1440 Grandview Avenue | Columbus, Ohio 43212
What is Home & School?
Home & School is a parent organization which works to enhance our children's learning experiences by supporting the teachers, administrators and staff, providing expanded, hands-on learning experiences, and creating community building activities for families.
When does Home & School meet?
The first Monday of each month at 7:00pm @ Trinity. Snacks and Beverages. Child Care available for meetings.
Home & School Representatives
Adria Hall, President
Kayla Codispoti, Vice-President
Angela Herrera, Vice-President
Erin Feilen, Secretary
Angie Perez, Treasurer
What does Home & School help fund?
Class field trips • Busing/transportation for field trips • Online learning resources • Classroom equipment/ computers • Playground equipment • Family nights & family dance • Breakfast with Santa event • First Day of School Parent Breakfast • Various additional requests
What type of Fundraising does Home & School do?
Home & School sponsors one major fundraiser each school year- the Legacy. Funds raised help us to cover the costs of field trips & enrichment activities for our students, equipment & learning resources for our teachers /classrooms, and family community-building activities.
Who Should Join Home & School?
We encourage ALL of our parents to join! If you cannot make it to the monthly meetings, there are lots of opportunities throughout the year to help out!
Meeting Minutes
In an ongoing effort to protect children, to provide safe environments for them, the Catholic Church mandates training as well background checks and provides further education and resources for all adults working with children.
Background Check Process
FastFingerprints is a company the Diocese of Columbus works with closely. It is recommended for background checks but webcheck location will do. See the website below to schedule an appointment with FastFingerprints or click here for all webcheck locations.
These are the school supplies needed for the 2023-2024 school year. Each link opens to the specific grades list of needed supplies.
If you have any questions, please call the school at 614-488-7650.
Our school uniform may be purchased at the following store:
Educational Apparel
3906 Brown Park Dr.
Hilliard, Ohio 43026
(614) 876-3030
You may also purchase online or visit their website for prices and directions to the store.
Established in September 1989, TCCP-Trinity Child Care Program provides after school care and recreation for all students of Trinity Catholic School Monday through Friday from 2:40 - 6:00 pm.
Part Time Rate (1-3 days): $15/day/child
Full Time Rate (4-5 days/wk): $70/week/child
If you have any questions or wish to enroll in after-school care, please call the school office 614-488-7650 or email
Kroger is committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Year after year, local schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions of dollars through Kroger Community Rewards.
Kroger Community Rewards makes fund-raising easy..all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card!
Your enrollment in Community Rewards needs to be renewed each year.
Please visit and go to the Community Section to sign in or create an account.
IE795 is the NEW code for Trinity Catholic School.
(The Kroger Company has changed our Community Rewards code to IE795. It may have automatically updated if you have Trinity Catholic as your community rewards choice. You can double check at the bottom of your receipt.)
We will receive a check each quarter, and the money goes for Teacher Development. Many teachers attend classes, workshops and conferences to enhance their teaching. This money comes from our Kroger Community Rewards dollars. Thank you for participating.
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